Deduced Reckoning

March 11, 2009

Juan Enriquez on TED

Filed under: Biotechnology, Evolution of Technology, TED Talks — bandsma @ 10:55 am

Juan Enriquez is formerly founding director of HBS’s Life Sciences Project. He is currently involved in raising capital for biotech start ups. He has a very well thought out view on the current state of biotechnology and what the near term impact on our lives will be. I highly recommend watching all 3 of the TED Talks he has done.

His most recent talk from February 2009 tries to put the recent economic turmoil into prospective.

I once had a chance to see Mr. Enriquez give a much longer speech in Hong Kong. The short length of TED Talks of around 20 minutes limits the depth. Unfortunately his books are not that easy to read either. He writes using multiple font sizes, which tends to have the opposite of his intention of making it easier to read.

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